News and Updates
How to Apply Compression Garments
There are several different techniques on how to apply compression stockings, with no “wrong” way if the stocking is evenly distributed on the leg or limb without any wrinkles or creases. One must ensure that the heel pocket is placed properly, and that the garment...
Viva Power Lift Recliners
If you're searching for a power lift recliner that is the ultimate in style and performance, look no further than Bill Veazey’s Medical. Our power lift recliners are designed to be a functional and fashionable part of your home décor. No matter what style of lift...
Bath Safety Products by Nova
We use the Bathroom every day… 365 days of each year. We cherish our bathroom time and depart much happier, yet this room is often the most dangerous place in your home. Being proactive with effective product solutions is the key to fall prevention. Make your bathroom...
Go Chair by Pride Mobility
With convenient feather-touch disassembly, the Go Chair allows you to experience lightweight travel and independence on the go. Enjoy dual swing-away storage bins and a compact turning radius for outstanding maneuverability. Available in an array of contemporary...
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